Section: Dissemination

Animation of the Scientific Community

Participation in Committees

Frédéric Le Mouël is elected expert for faculty hiring committee (computer science section, 27e section) in INSA Lyon. Stéphane Grumbach is a PC member of DASFAA'11, DEXA'11, WRIPE'11, OSSC'11, Sensorcom'11, SKG'11.

Editorial Boards

Technique et Sciences Informatiques Journal

Participant : Antoine Fraboulet.

Multidisciplinary journal designed to provide a synthesis tool for French researchers and industrial in computer science. http://tsi.revuesonline.com/

Conferences and workshop organization

fOSSa 2011

Participant : Julien Ponge [Steering committee, Program committee] .

fOSSa 2011 was organized by INRIA, INSA de Lyon, the CITI laboratory, the IRILL laboratory and Engineering Group Italia. The conference gathers a unique blend of opensource actors, including academics, educators, associations and industrials. The 2011 edition comprised tracks on: education, community management, development, openness and new trends in opensource.


EuroSys 2010 Conference

Participant : Frédéric Le Mouël [Webmaster co-chair] .

EuroSys 2010 is organised by EuroSys, the European Chapter of SIGOPS, sponsored by ACM SIGOPS.

The EuroSys conference series brings together professionals from academia and industry. It has a strong focus on systems research and development: operating systems, data base systems, real-time systems and middleware for networked, distributed, parallel, or embedded computing systems. As a highly recognized conference - rank 11 out of 581 in terms of 2007 CiteSeer impact factor - EuroSys has become a premier forum for discussing various issues of systems software research and development, including implications related to hardware and applications.

http://eurosys2010.sigops-france.fr/ .

SEmba Workshop (2009, 2010 and 2011)

Participant : Nicolas Stouls [Program Chair] .

In the context of the SEmba project (introduced Section  8.2.1 ), the SEmba workshop is an annual meeting where all participant of the project are invited to present there recent works. The two days are organized in four sessions corresponding to the three themes of the project and to an opening to work in the scope, but realized out of the region. This workshop meet 40 participants in 2009, 60 participants in 2010 and 70 participants in 2011, coming from all over the region.

Here is a link to the Workshop Program .

Program committees

Stéphane Frénot has participated to the following conference program committees: NOMS'2012. He has chaired the mini-conf on Management Strategies at CNSM'2011.

Frédéric Le Mouël has participated to the following conference program committees: INFORSID'2011, PECCS'2011, UIC'2010, UBICOMM'2010; has been workshop chairman at: ERTSI'2010; has participated to the following workshop program committee: OTM Academy'2010.

Julien Ponge has participated to the ICSOC'2011 TPC. He has chaired the fOSSa 2011 DEV track.